A thought about the #Fediverse and the origin of #Internet
I think that the #Fediverse has the potential to bring (social) #Web back closer to its original vision of its most important inventor, Tim #Berners-Lee:
"There is the idea that society can run without a hierarchical bureaucratic government being involved at every step, if only we can hit on the right set of rules for peer-peer interaction. So where design of the Internet and the Web is a search for set of rules which will allow computers to work together in harmony, so our spiritual and social quest is for a set of rules which allow people to work together in harmony." (source)
And from my point of view, the term "hierarchical bureaucratic government" also holds for "#centralized #commercial #social #networks".
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Ich habe eine #Friendica Instanz für die Region #Nordhessen auf
bereitgestellt. Falls jemand aus #Kassel , #Hessen Lust hat mal eine andere Anwendung als #Mastodon im #fediverse auszuprobieren, freue ich mich über eure Teilnahme.
Ich betreibe die Instanz rein privat in meiner Freizeit und experimentiere selbst noch mit dem Fediverse. Also am besten etwas Pioniergeist mitbringen. Aktive Mitgestaltung ausdrücklich erwünscht!
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SusanneBonn, geschichtenundmeer, Kristian, wirelessbambule, Leonid Löw, The Fortuna Guy, Alexander Goeres, Hamiller, Frank, Ben Zucker 🍰, Marcel, Kleiner Radler - sauer, stefan, Steffen Voß, qwertzalotl, cb7f604332cf39, Margarete, deleted, Paul Wunderlich, Keanu (anghenfil), Martin 🪷 Schmitz, Marco, palindromi, L⌐ "SpätzleGrab™",8,1, Marzel, Erinnerungen-im-Netz.de :vf: and Lieschen Müller's father like this.
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FKS Admin, SusanneBonn, (:: ) )))) ), Boss-zrtfz. Spannbettuchfalter, caos, Don di Dislessia, radioactivestardust, Birne Helene, The Fortuna Guy, dr-e 🛡️, Frank, Marcel, Ulrich, Kleiner Radler - sauer, Easydor, stefan, Feuertear, qwertzalotl, Lasse Gismo - 🇮🇱🇺🇦🇸🇩, Myiagros, Brain Of k., Matze, caos, Kranfahrer, I ❤️ FEDIVERSE, Peter Michael and grauerle :mastodon: reshared this.
Gerne auch bei #ThemedServers eintragen lassen, die haben auch eine Kategorie für regionalspezifische #Instanzen : https://gnulinux.ch/themed-servers-auswahlhilfe-fuer-eine-fediverse-instanz
#Fediverse #Nordhessen #Instanzliste #Kassel
"Themed Servers" - Auswahlhilfe für eine Fediverse-Instanz
"Unsure where to register to join Fediverse? Choose from this curated list." - Die Webseite https://fediverse.party/en/portal/servers/ bietet eine kuratierte Liste von Fediverse-Instanzen und möchte Menschen helfen, "ihre Community zu finden".GNU/Linux.ch
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Friendica und Mastodon "federieren" sehr gut miteinander. Kleine Ausnahme ist zum Beispiel das friendica (noch!) nicht die Teilnahme an Umfragen von Mastodon unterstützt.
Dafür kann es aber an einigen Ecken wesentlich mehr als Mastodon. Formatierung von Beiträgen, einbetten von Bildern etc.
Marcel likes this.
Das lohnt sich immer mal wieder, da auch Mastodon nicht immer alle Inhalte der Originalbeitrags 1:1 übernimmt. Zum Beispiel limitiert Mastodon die Anzahl der Bilder in einem Beitrag auf vier, auch wenn im Originalbeitrag mehr Bilder eingefügt wurden.
Esther likes this.
Nur kleine Ergänzung: Das dort verlinkte #Peertube-Video gibt es auch auf deutsch:
Vielleicht wäre das noch passender?
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Kassel – KasselWiki
Kassel, Stadt a. d. Fulda (Hessen). - Historische Entwicklung vom 10. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert.www.kasselwiki.de
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"What does Friendica wants to be"?
@Friendica Support @Friendica Developers
Let me start with a concrete, question: Are there any efforts / plans to support the upload of videos?
And now, since I might have your attention, allow me to broaden the question to:
What is your opinion regarding "what #Friendica is / should be"?
My view / vision is heading slightly in the direction that nowadays image and video content is quite central in social networks and thus a #Fediverse application like friendica should support the multimedia aspect a bit more, if it wants to be attractive for the broad public in terms of being an alternative to commercial social networks.
Most of you might tell: "Yeah, if one prefers media centric Fediverse, then check out #pixelfed ". But I think, pixelfed is yet too much of an Instagram clone, only providing the image / video focus (which bothered me at Instagram from the very beginning not being able to have good commenting / discussion options there).
In my view, Friendica has great potential becoming a great "one fits all" application for the majority of people who like social media and the concept of the Fediverse. It has way more cool functions than #mastodon / pixelfed (which are in my opinion too close copies of Instagram and Twitter, respectively) but much simpler and convenient than Hubzilla (which I think is really great, for a computer science person, but not for the broad non-technical focussed public)
Wrapping it up: I would love to see a Friendica development towards an easier multimedia support. What are your thoughts?
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@Marek Bachmann :friendica: I think the question is misguided. Friendica isn’t a coherent entity. It’s developers, present and past (quite a few opinionated choices we’ve had to grapple with), server admins and users.
So ultimately Friendica ends up being what the people working on it want to spend their time on, regardless of any coherent central vision.
So far no developer has had any strong inclination working on image/video, but you can single-handedly change this, and you’ve already started with the wonderful image grid you came up with.
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I wanted to hear from you people who are just more experienced in the Fediverse world what YOU think about Fediverse in general and Friendica specifically.
And I think this valuable, not least because there is always the chance that someone's vision does not fit at all to the vision of the majority of other participants on such a project.
I admit that there is a certain amount of reinsurance included in my question, nevertheless.
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@Marek Bachmann :friendica: Ah, if it's personal then I can answer! The main reasons why I use Friendica are the following:
- Threaded conversations à-la-Facebook.
- RSS support.
- Diaspora support (I mainly like the concept, I don't have many remaining Diaspora contacts).
- Twitter support (although my patience for the platform is rapidly dwindling).
- It's written in PHP so I can contribute!
I've looked in Hubzilla as well but I found it too unintuitive and I don't care much about nomad identity anyway.
I also run a single-user Pixelfed instance that I though would be a good complement for images, but I found out that I use it the same way I used Instagram before Facebook bought it out, which excludes casual image posts.
Still, I'm not a big image guy, I'm even less of a video guy, so I've never felt compelled to look into media support in Friendica myself. I've even resorted to post pictures on my Twitter account which would be mirrored on Friendica.
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I am not that much in media myself, what is driving me is that I would love to motivate many of my real life contacts to leave commercial platforms for the very reasons we are all know too well.
And I started talking to them already. What I learned so far is, as I elaborated above, they use Instagram / TikTok and so on to "show" their lives but to their own "handpicked" groups.
For me, it is desirable to offer such people a place in the Fediverse. Where they are not subject to advertising and data exploitation.
So I am looking at the Fediverse and its applications at the moment, asking my self:
"What might be required that the Fediverse, in terms of an alternative to commercial social media, will be a welcoming and attractive place for all the good people outside, especially when they do not care about the technology itself too much?"
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@Marek Bachmann :friendica: I'm envious of driven people like you. I, on the other hand, don't hope to convert anyone, so most tasks I've been working on have been revolving around my own usage. My own usage of the software, and my own usage of the codebase, for which I've proposed several structure changes, most of them are still ongoing a few years in.
I do enjoy the fact that these tasks have also been beneficial for other people, but this is not my main focus. Although you can get me to do stuff outside of my comfort zone if you bug me enough on Signal, just ask @Kristof Körner .
Finally, I have a soft spot for assisting other developers, as you've probably noticed. Even when I'm not particularly active, I will make sure that motivated people are getting timely answers and reviews and feedback because motivation and goodwill are precious resources not to be squandered.
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@Mihai von Glogowatz @Marek Bachmann :friendica: Yes, he mentioned it in his original post:
(which I think is really great, for a computer science person, but not for the broad non-technical focussed public)
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@Marek Bachmann
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I'm using Emacs to write the post.
WOW, that's really cool and exactly my point when I say "great for a computer scientist, but not for the general non-technical public".
It's a great example of what my thoughts were when starting this thread:
I was under the impression (which could obviously be wrong!) that there are mainly tech and privacy enthusiasts at the Fediverse these days (Mastodon is a slight exception as it has become a sanctuary for Twitter users is).
That's perfectly fine, but in my experience, tech people tend to design a "world" for their needs, unintentionally excluding "non-tech people".
In my opinion, technology and science should serve all people and that developers and scientists have some responsibility for it.
Please don't get me wrong here, this is not meant to be a moral appeal, let alone a personal criticism of anyone associated with Fediverse.
In fact, I'm not at all altruistic when I talk about any kind of responsibility. Because offering my contacts who still use commercial networks today an adequate alternative in the Fediverse is my contribution to a Fediverse that meets my needs.
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Friendica displays images but not text in posts from Mastodon, Misskey, perhaps others. Am I misconfigured? · Issue #12318 · friendica/friendica
Mastodon posts containing text and an image can be shared to Friendica, and the image is displayed but the text is not. Likes, shares and replies work, but could be socially risky to use as the uns...GitHub
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Appeareance of images attached to a post
Hello @Friendica Developers @Friendica Support @https://friendica-dev.mbbit.de/profile/friendicadev Hello dear community, I would like to discuss with you about the appearance of posts with multiple images on #Friedica. Here is my opinion:
The current way multiple #images are displayed is awful:
Yeah, you saw it by my embedded examples your self. What bothers me most is:
- It just looks messy (especially when there is a mix of landscape and portrait format)
- Besides the aesthetics, multiple images take a lot of room (when you do not use an add-on like show more)
My suggestion on which I would love to hear your opinion is to use a grid format like on #mastodon:
I would pitch a suggestion by adding a PR for a (from my point of view) "better" appearance based to this
tutorial. I do not like to use JS in general and would leave it out by determine the suited amount of columns in the backend.
But before I invest time on that, I want to hear your feedback. Thank You!
How To Create an Image Grid
W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.www.w3schools.com
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Spencer, Matthias Moritz, Hypolite Petovan, jakob 🇦🇹 ✅, Signor Amministratore ⁂, devadideva, Cochise and Шуро like this.
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And exactly for the fancybox addon I was thinking about a similar solution. But I have problems with the lightbox lib that is used in Friendica atm, for that my post in the developer forum just before yours was written. :)
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For a theme I am not sure atm. I am poking myself. It depends. There seem to be different templates for different types of posts. wall_thread.tpl seems to be one.
It is more that I look into the developer console of my browser and try to find matching code in order to identify the template.
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[fancybox addon] Image gallery is created for only the images <= clicked image · Issue #12331 · friendica/friendica
[fancybox addon] Image gallery is created for only the images
[x ] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates Bug Description When you click on an image in a post with images and this image is not the last one attached, the fancybox gallery lets yo...GitHub
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@Marek Bachmann Standard Mastodon crops the images (in the grid, but even if there is one) and I wouldn't like that; that should at least be configurable. But I do agree that the Mastodon, Pleroma, Twitter, Tumblr way of showing multiple images looks better than Friendica.
You can achieve a better look when you post multiple images by putting an empty line between the tags of the photos. The preview will help getting a better look.
If implementing a Mastodon like thing, especially if some form of cropping could occur, can I then also note that Mastodon's 'focal point' feature is really useful. It prevents photos from being cropped in embarrassing ways.
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I do not like to have a limit of four images in the grid without any notification that more images are attached, like currently on mastodon.
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There are times when I want to use images in the middle of a post, and they'd become much less meaningful in a compiled cluster at the end of the post, even if they were in a much prettier grid.
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@Spencer @Marek Bachmann :friendica: Friendica detects images at the end and groups them in "attachments" as Mastodon does. However, we don't touch images interspersed between paragraphs.
Marek's feature could handle the attachment pictures without touching the post illustrations.
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@Marek Bachmann :friendica: The rendering of conversations is a little complex, but I can easily point you to the main template:
- templates/wall_thread.tpl
- theme/frio/templates/wall_thread.tpl
- theme/vier/templates/wall_thread.tpl
Where the attachments are prepared is in Model\Item
: https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/e32654381b5715157f0302acd168837ddcf18eb4/src/Model/Item.php#L3043-L3054
friendica/Item.php at e32654381b5715157f0302acd168837ddcf18eb4 · friendica/friendica
Friendica Communications Platform. Contribute to friendica/friendica development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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If there is a implementation, you can gladly add this info to the GitHub discussion since this might not so important for the readers here.
Am I right that there is no attachment feature for the creators of post, or is it? I never saw such an option yet.
My current assumption is that the term "attachment" refers solely to an implicit definition like "the media at the end of a post can be / is considered as attachments"
Show Images in posts in an image grid by MarekBenjamin · Pull Request #12334 · friendica/friendica
THIS IS NOT A FINAL PR. THIS IS A DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION. Hello, this is just a very first draft for this feature. I hope that we can discuss this PR and improve it over time. I still have a lot of q...GitHub
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friendica/Item.php at e32654381b5715157f0302acd168837ddcf18eb4 · friendica/friendica
Friendica Communications Platform. Contribute to friendica/friendica development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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<img src="{{$image.preview}}" alt="{{$image.attachment.description}}" title="{{$image.attachment.description}}"
. So including the description is considered at his point. The description for images from Mastodon are definitely obeyed on friendica. On Friendica you post you can use bbcode to add a description in this way:
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As I understand your reply, your fancybox plugin is not loaded but something else called "lightbox"? Sorry for I am a little bit confused
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This exactly what I observe, I was asking and wondering in regard to this answer (don't want to link mrpetovan again and again ):
I think the overview is a little messy by now in this thread regarding who answers to what .
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[img="quelle"]Beschreibung des Bilds[/img]
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[img=https://fdc.mbbit.de/photo/preview/1024/30283]The Friendica Logo[/img]
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) anfängst zu tippen.reshared this
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Wenn Du ein eigenes Bild verlinken möchtest, geht es recht komfortabel mit diesem Button:
Bei externen Bildern müsstest Du den [img=quelle]Beschreibung[/img]
Tag selbst erstellten, ja. Immerhin kannst Du die URL zum Bild selbst ja kopieren und einfügen
Wenn ich Dich richtig verstehe, wünschst Du Dir die Möglichkeit "einfach externe Bilder mit einer Beschreibung einzufügen"?
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Show Images in posts in an image grid by MarekBenjamin · Pull Request #12334 · friendica/friendica
Show Images in posts in an image grid by MarekBenjamin · Pull Request #12334 · friendica/friendica
THIS IS NOT A FINAL PR. THIS IS A DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION. Hello, this is just a very first draft for this feature. I hope that we can discuss this PR and improve it over time. I still have a lot of q...GitHub
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Das ist ist KEIN Fehler sondern einfach die Einstellung für dein Profil (ob die nun bewusst war oder nicht ).
Ich bin gerade unterwegs, und kann daher nicht gut nachgucken, aber irgendwo in deinen Einstellungen kannst du das ändern (wenn überhaupt gewünscht).
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Dieser Thread ist ja eigentlich für das Image Grid gedacht.
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Das Image Grid wurde erst gestern in 2022.12-rc gemerged. Es kann sehr gut sein das dein Instanz-Admin @Steffen K9 🐰 die neuen Commits hoch nicht geholt hat.
Ich sehe aber gerade auch, dass die Bilder im eingebetten Link scheinbar tatsächlich nicht im Image Grid erscheinen. Kannst du mal auf den Link
in meiner vorletzten Nachricht klicken und mir sagen, ob die Bilder dann im Grid sind? Danke.
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Thank you very much for all the feedback and support!
One known issue is that the grid is not generated in "quote shared" post, and I did not find the time to analyze / address it (https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/12403).
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Bitte schön:
And Fancybox works seamlessly with it ❤
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@Grischa @Marek Bachmann :friendica: Oh by the way https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/12413
[fancybox] Only first column images open in gallery in new image grid feature · Issue #12413 · friendica/friendica
Cc @brockhaus It looks like the regular expression to convert image links into fancybox links needs a little refreshing. See new HTML structure:GitHub
Can you provide an example? Thank You!
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in reply to Marek Bachmann • • •