@Friendica Support :
Reviewing the local syslog there are thounds of messages from friendica that read:
Nov 4 13:45:04 localhost Friendica[237585]: worker [WARNING]: Path is not writable {"directory":"/tmp/friendica.mbbit.de","user":"friendica"} - {"file":"System.php","line":556,"function":"isDirectoryUsable","uid":"7d351a"}
Confirmed that the folder
is owned by www-data:www-data. Seems that PHP tries to acces the files with user "friendica" any idea how to fix that?
BTW: At the moment it does seem to have any negative effect on the site at all.
Inhaltswarnung: #Friendica Server: No access in /tmp warnings
Either make those running by the user www-data or reconfigure php-fpm to run the friendica specific pool under friendica user and chown everything friendica related to the friendica user.